In addition, the combination of intervention types (poomsae, kick, and taekwondo gymnastics) showed optimal effects. Moreover, the best results were obtained for longer intervention durations-12 weeks-three times per week, for 40–50 min per session. Subgroup analysis revealed the superior intervention effect of taekwondo on metabolic syndrome in women compared to men, middle-aged and elderly compared to other age groups, and abnormal metabolic syndrome indicators compared to normal values. The results of the meta-analysis showed that taekwondo has a beneficial effect on all indicators of metabolic syndrome (Hedges’ g = −0.615, −0.672, −0.497, −0.785, −0.591, and 0.435 p < 0.05). Result: A total of 45 references and 1079 related subjects were included in the analysis. Methods: Combining the, Wanfang, PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, KISS, RISS, and DBPIA databases, this paper retrieved relevant references in Chinese, English, and Korean, applied Review Manager 5.4 software to evaluate the methodological quality of the included references according to the Cochrane manual, and utilized Comprehensive Meta-Analysis version 3.7 to perform statistical analyses.

Objective: To quantify the effect of taekwondo as an intervention on the indicators of metabolic syndrome and identify an intervention plan with the optimal effects.