Java program for library management system
Java program for library management system

java program for library management system java program for library management system

With the increasing number of students in colleges and universities, maintaining a library using the traditional management systems is too complex and time consuming. Autonomous Integrated Library will be a paperless library system in which there will be no complexity for the librarian to maintain records of the borrower manually rather all the information is saved digitally in cloud and the information is also available in real-time. Both interface will share common centralized real-time cloud database. by using an android application by the user and web application by the administrator.

java program for library management system

Autonomous Integrated Library (AI-L) is a next-generation library for non-academic or academic libraries in which every single task will be done digitally i.e. This project aims to design and implement a digital and virtual access library for monitoring and controlling transactions in the library. But the use of the digital library makes the performance of using the library to be more efficient by providing quick access to services and information. Modern libraries simply work using manpower and are time inefficient. The libraries are an organized collection of different sources of information where an individual can easily borrow the information in the form of a book/journals or can refer to the sources there itself.

Java program for library management system